Catalog Moat Creek Web Images

1-16 | 17-32 | 33-48 | 49-64 | 65-80 | 81-96 | 97-112 | 113-128 | 129-144 | 145-160 | 161-165

p307-dayaftersunrise p3070002-hhranchgateafter p3070001-trailerfromhighway leonschneidermanaerial
First sunrise (7:30 am) at the home site with trailer in position
2004:03:07 07:35:59
See the trailer? Our home site is visible from Highway 1, here from the H-H Ranch gate
2004:03:07 11:16:26
Trailer visible (tiny white dot among the trees) from Highway 1
2004:03:07 11:14:55
Leon Schneiderman house, the passive solar design house that we house sat during Thanksgiving week, about a mile south of our property
2003:10:12 17:26:46
leonschneidermanhouse-1500 pb230036-leonsolarpower pb230037-leonbatterybank pb230038-leongenerator
Leon Schneiderman house; passive solar designs use lots of windows with large overhangs that let in winter sun (this was Thanksgiving in late November) and shade the summer sun; note solar panels, battery box (below panels to right of doorway) and generator
The power system controls for a photovoltaic solar system: counter-clockwise: switch for solar power to well pump, battery status meter, DC contols, DC breaker box, power conversion center (inverter/charger), AC breaker box
2003:11:23 12:25:29
Battery box with 16 Trojan T-105 6-volt batteries
2003:11:23 12:25:59
Portable generator
2003:11:23 12:26:11
p3190015-clearingwatertanks p3190016-backhoelarry p3190018-gravelpad p3190017-propoanetank
Backhoe clearing space for water tank installation
2004:03:19 13:14:45
Larry, the backhoe wizard, doing his magic to clear away 6-inch diameter trees from water tank area
2004:03:19 13:17:12
Gravel pad ensures that tanks filled with water are not punctured by roots or other sharp objects
2004:03:19 14:29:19
Propane tank installed at the same time just off the home site clearing, about 75 feet from trailer
2004:03:19 13:54:16
p3190021-trenchesrus p3190022-trenchbehindtraile p3190025-trenchclosetopropa p3190028-burythatline
Trenching for water line between trailer and water tanks, hidden in the shade behind those pine trees, note propane tank is off to the right
2004:03:19 14:30:38
Trenches everywhere, here behind trailer to supply both water and propane gas lines
2004:03:19 14:30:55
Filling in the propane trench; note water trench is behind backhoe and pine trees
2004:03:19 14:58:20
Burying the propane gas line
2004:03:19 15:16:11

1-16 | 17-32 | 33-48 | 49-64 | 65-80 | 81-96 | 97-112 | 113-128 | 129-144 | 145-160 | 161-165